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About Personas

In most literary journals, there is a dominant voice: one that has defined the standards of artistic expressions. Personas is a new literary journal that seeks to go beyond this standard by giving particular focus to writing from multilingual writers. This is our contribution to altering the traditional narrative and adding new points of inquiry to old conversations.

En la mayoría de las revistas literarias, hay una voz dominante: una que ha definido los estándares de la representación artística. Personas es una nueva revista literaria que busca ir más allá de este estándar dando un enfoque particular a la escritura de escritores multilingües. Esta es nuestra contribución para alterar la narrativa tradicional y agregar nuevos puntos de indagación a viejas conversaciones.


Featured writings may be in multiple languages, or monolingual. We feature non-fiction, fiction, poetry, art, and essays that focus on multilingual experiences. How you interpret multilingualism is up to you. We welcome submissions from all writers which explore issues related to language. We’re always looking for new and surprising writing and we’d love to hear from you. While our focus is on student writing, we read and consider all submissions.

Los escritos destacados pueden estar en varios idiomas o monolingües. Presentamos no ficción, ficción, poesía, arte y ensayos que se centran en experiencias multilingües. Tú decides cómo interpretas el multilingüismo. Siempre estamos buscando escritura nueva y sorprendente y nos encantaría saber de usted. Si bien nuestro enfoque está en la escritura de los estudiantes, leemos y consideramos todas las presentaciones.

Call for Submissions


  • Fiction submissions: One submission per author. No more than 2,000 words. 
  • Non-fiction/essays: One submission per author. No more than 2,000 words. 
  • Poetry: Three poems per author. Each poem no more than two pages in length. Please submit poems in the format you wish them to be published. 
  • Art: Three pieces per artist. All mediums considered. Submit a scan or photo or the original piece. 

Please proofread carefully, Personas will not copy edit your work. 

All submissions should be sent to with the subject line “Personas Submission” and the title of your submission. 

Your submission should be an attachment to your message with only the title. Please do not write your name or personal information on your submission. This makes them much easier for us to process! 

All chosen submissions will be considered for awards from local business and organizations, unless you state on your submission that you would like to not be considered for an award. 

Submissions can also be mailed or delivered in person to Jonathan Maiullo 525 D St., Eureka, CA 95501 

A release party will be held for all chosen submissions May 18th, 2024, 3pm at the Wharfinger Building in Eureka, CA . Details to follow. Attendance at this event is not necessary to submit your writing. We do this to honor the work of our writers and provide a space to consider each issue together. 

If you have any questions, contact Jonny Maiullo at (707) 476-4527

Personas Booklets


Contact Us

Division Information

Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Division

 Peter Blakemore, Dean

 Laura Meglemre, Administrative Secretary
 Arts & Humanities Division Office, CA-124

  2023 College of the Redwoods